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What is pigmentation?

In a nutshell, pigmentation refers to an area of the skin – commonly the face – that has darkened in colour, which can often result in an uneven or patchy appearance. A skin condition that affects many people throughout different stages of their lives, pigmentation can be triggered by a number of factors, from hormones to sun exposure to genetics. Generally caused by excessive production of pigment that gives the skin its brown hue, it can be an unsightly ailment that gives skin a dull and worn-out tone, which, in some cases, can give the skin the appearance of ageing prematurely, and you can help aid with the appearance of this condition by using a skin pigmentation serum or cream.

What is post-inflammatory pigmentation?

Unlike more commonly found pigmentation, post-inflammatory pigmentation (also called acquired melanosis) refers to a temporary pigmentation that is usually sparked after an injury – such as a severe burn – or an inflammatory disorder of the skin – such as dermatitis – and while it effects both men and women equally, it’s more frequently found in darker skin types. Triggered by either a skin inflammation like acne, eczema or an allergic reaction or a trauma or injury – which can be anything from surgery to a laser or chemical peel – post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is caused when the first layer of the skin is disrupted, which, in turn, causes the pigment to become trapped in the second layer of skin. A condition that can appear on any area of the body, post-inflammatory pigmentation shows up on the skin in flat, dark spots, and - depending on the severity of the injury - it’s not only more treatment-resistant than normal pigmentation, but it can also be permanent.

What’s the difference between acne scarring and post-inflammatory pigmentation?

While acne scarring and hyperpigmentation are often confused; there’s a distinct difference between the two conditions; with acne scarring, it’s the texture of the skin that is affected and can become raised or dented; but with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, it’s the colour of the skin that darkens and changes, while the texture remains exactly the same.

How can I treat post-inflammatory pigmentation?

For anyone suffering from post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, there’s no doubt that it can have a negative impact on your confidence, and subsequently, it’s an ailment that can make some people self-conscious. Fortuitously for most people, post-inflammatory pigmentation will fade over time – though the degree to which dark spots will become less noticeable will vary from person to person. And while it’s a skin condition that can be more stubborn than others, using a premium homecare routine specifically tailored to remedying post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can work wonders.

And for anyone who’s been searching for an effective, efficient, and cost-effective way of fading hyperpigmentation, the experts at John Plunketts have designed and formulated exactly that. A name synonymous with pharmaceutical skincare solutions to nurture and care for skin that's been influenced by the Australian lifestyle, Plunkett Pharmaceuticals are known for creating solutions to soothe, soften and look after skin that has been affected by the Australian climate and way of life. Rich with carefully sourced ingredients and formulated with active extracts at the correct therapeutic levels to deliver effective, pharmaceutical grade solutions, our products deliver real and tangible results, are functional and value-driven, and result in healthier, happier skin.

Designed specifically for anyone wanting to treat post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, our SuperFade Face Treatment Cream is a medicated, pharmacy strength skin treatment to help fade pigmentation, such as brown skin blemishes including freckles and age spots on the face. It contains a powerful active ingredient Hydroquinone, which helps to fight pigmentation at the source. You should see effective results in 6 weeks of regular and consistent use.

How does Hydroquinone work?

Hydroquinone is the gold standard in pigmentation fading, and works by disabling the damaged melanocyte deep in the skin that produces excess melanin which then forms the brown pigment on the surface of the skin. SuperFade Cream and SuperFade Face Treatment Creams are the only non-prescription pharmacy medicines in Australia which contain the powerful active ingredient Hydroquinone, and are premium and solution-based creams that are exclusively devised to deliver effective results. As the gold standard in pigmentation fading, Hydroquinone works by disabling the damaged melanocyte deep in the skin that produces excess melanin which then forms the brown pigment on the surface of the skin. Melanocytes make melanin, which is what produces your skin tone. SuperFade Cream and SuperFade Face Treatment Cream are the only (non-prescription) pharmacy medicines in Australia which contain this powerful ingredient.

SuperFade Face Treatment Cream is a non-prescription pharmacy strength medicine, suitable for anyone with pigmentation, age spots and brown skin blemishes. This concentrated face treatment cream is a spot treatment and will show visible improvement as it works to assist in fading age spots, freckles and brown skin blemishes on the face.

Is Hydroquinone safe for everyone?

As with all treatments, we recommend doing a patch test prior to incorporating this pigmentation cream into your skincare routine. Because, while Hydroquinone is mostly well-tolerated, depending on your skin type, you may find you experience a few side effects that include mild stinging of treated skin or mild itching, dryness, redness or other irritation. Anyone whose skin is more dry or sensitive may find that Hydroquinone causes a degree of dryness or irritation, though as your skin adjusts, this should remedy itself.

How long until I see results?

The speed with which the results appear and the degree to which post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation fades will vary from person to person, and will be effected by a variety of factors from genetics to skin tone, however, by incorporating our SuperFade Face Treatment Cream into your daily skincare routine, results should begin to appear after six weeks, with full results appearing after several months of consistent use.

So, you want to say goodbye to dark pigmentation in 6 weeks? Dark pigmentation or Hyperpigmentation as it is called, can make some people self-conscious. Finding a quick, easy and cost-effective way of fading hyperpigmentation is achievable, you just need to know where to go.



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