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Both Eczema and Dermatitis refer to inflammatory skin conditions, and are often used interchangeably, although specific types of skin conditions are better known by one or other of the names e.g. “atopic dermatitis” and “eczema” are interchangeable but “contact dermatitis” is not referred to as “eczema”.

Eczema and/or dermatitis affects 1 in 3 Australians at some stage throughout their lives. While eczema affects all ages, it is most common in children. The exact cause of eczema is unknown, however, there are certain internal and external triggers that have been linked to breakouts.

Triggers include:

  • A family history of eczema, allergy or hayfever

  • Some foods and alcohol (dairy, wheat, citrus, eggs nuts, etc)

  • Stress

  • External irritants like tobacco smoke, weather conditions, chemicals

  • Allergens such as dust mites, moulds, grasses, pollens, soaps, etc

So how do you know if you have eczema? Well, it is best to have it correctly diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist, however moderate to severe itchy skin, rash, watery/weeping skin, rough and leathery-looking skin is a good indication it may be eczema.

Although Eczema is a non-contagious, non-life-threatening disease, it can make the quality of life for the sufferer quite gloomy. Night-time itching has been known to cause sleepless nights and if the skin is broken, it can lead to infection and sometimes hospitalisation. While there is no cure, there are ways to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Change in diet and avoiding known triggers helps prevent flare-ups, while topical treatments can help once the rash has appeared.

Topical steroids are the most common form of treatment and while there are some creams you can get over the counter at the pharmacy, stronger creams will need to be prescribed by a doctor. There are some downfalls of using a steroid cream, such as thinning of the skin, reaction to too much steroid use, and other side effects. That’s why if you are able to avoid them it will help the health of your skin immensely.

So, what can you use that will assist you to reduce the itch and restore the skin so it is good condition again? The NS 21 Skin Repair Treatment contains some key naturally active ingredients which have shown great success in restoring eczema affected skin These natural actives include Polysaccharide Chitin B-Glucan which helps promote cell renewal, stimulate the immune system and increase skin elasticity; Soy Protein to strengthen and improve skin’s resilience; and Sodium PCA and Urea to increase moisture, curb dryness and remove excess flaky skin. Allantoin, Chamomile (Bisabolol), Calendula, and Aloe Vera all help to soothe and calm irritated, itchy skin.

The NS 21 Skin Treatment is suitable for face, hands, and body on adults and children over 2 years of age.


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